An Overview of Raised Bed Gardening: What Is It?

Raised beds, also referred to as garden boxes, are raised, freestanding garden plots contained in a frame that resembles a box. Vegetables, fruits, and flowers are grown in the garden beds. To reduce pests, decrease garden upkeep, and stop erosion, the garden plots are raised above the surrounding dirt.

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Why Make Garden Beds Higher?

Simple Gardening: Raised beds make garden maintenance easier since you can produce vegetables, pull weeds, and keep pests out of the box-shaped enclosures.

Greater Yields: You may assume that growing crops on an elevated garden bed would result in crowding, but as long as you space the plants appropriately, you can fit more of them in and have greater yields. Additionally, the cage keeps pests from gnawing on and tunneling through the plants and their roots.

Safer Access: Taking care of a large garden may be taxing on the back. However, maintaining your plants is much easier when they are grown on raised beds. This is especially true for those who have back problems or restricted movement. Wheelchair users and walkers may also find safer access in your outside area.

Improved Pest Control: Since you’re cultivating your plants on an elevated bed, burrowing pests and nibbling insects shouldn’t be as big of an issue as they were previously. To keep flying pests away from the plants, you may also cover the beds. Additionally, the frame could hold coverings to keep the plants safe from cold.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Raised Beds

What advantages may elevated garden beds offer? There are several applications for these planter boxes, particularly for home gardeners who cultivate their own food. It’s crucial to understand the drawbacks of growing plants on raised beds, though. Let’s examine the established benefits and drawbacks of utilizing an elevated bed.


An Early Start: Compared to their in-ground equivalents, raised beds enable the earth to warm up more rapidly in the spring. This will allow you to extend the growing season overall and grow your crops much early.

Improved Soil Protection: The crops are sheltered from pests, inclement weather, and foot traffic since the soil is protected from the elements. In a well-kept garden bed, the soil doesn’t get compacted, and if it does, it will be much simpler to manage because of its small footprint. Raised beds prevent pets and kids from trampling on the plants. There’s no need to worry about standing water when you water the crops. The severe weather is kept at bay for the roots.

Fits More Plants: Raised beds allow you to grow more plants in a less area regardless of their size. Raised beds allow you to make the most of every square inch of available area in your garden because of the closer spacing of your plants. Additionally, organizing your crops into distinct raised beds can improve the appearance of your outside area and simplify gardening. You’ll take pleasure in your labors for longer rather than spending as much time caring to the garden.


Drought Stress: Raised beds have the potential to elevate soil temperatures and thus drain water from the soil more quickly, which might result in drought stress in the summer. This is readily remedied by introducing more irrigation or by putting more mulch to cool the soil.

Reduced Air Circulation: Air won’t be able to flow through plants that are positioned too closely to one another. This results in an increase in humidity, which opens the door for plant diseases. You must provide each plant enough space to develop in order to avoid this. The raised beds have to be the appropriate size for the designated garden area.

Additional Expense: You may build your own raised beds out of timber, pebbles, or bricks. However, pre-assembled raised beds, such as the Vegega raised bed planters, are available if you’re not good with tools. Even while purchasing raised beds can increase your gardening expenses, these goods provide a plethora of advantages.

Do The Advantages of Elevated Beds Equal The Drawbacks?

Raised beds are well worth the additional cost. Although purchasing raised beds may cost you money, the advantages of raised beds exceed any drawbacks. Raised beds are a great way to increase harvests, enhance the quality of the soil, and simplify garden upkeep.

Hydroponic Gardening: What Is It?

As our awareness of our influence on the environment grows, creating and implementing sustainable practices is becoming not just necessary for the environment but also for the economy. These facts are more apparent than ever in the field of sustainable agriculture, namely in hydroponic gardening and farming.

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Although hydroponics has long been used in agriculture, technological advancements have made this formerly industrial technique affordable for everyone. These days, you can cultivate your own fruits, herbs, and veggies at home—even in the middle of winter, regardless of where you live or whether you have any outside space.

In this article, we’ll examine hydroponics in more detail, including how they operate, how to set up a home garden, and the many advantages of hydroponic farming.

A Synopsis of Hydroponic History

As early as 600 BCE, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are said to have been irrigated by a river using a pulley water system that is now known as hydroponics.

German botanist Julius Sachs made the initial discovery that plants could grow without soil—that is, they just needed the nutrients found in the soil that microbes in the earth provided. He published the “nutrient solution” formula for water-based farming in the 1860s, which served as the model for contemporary hydroponic farming.

A scientist from America named W.E. Gericke conducted more research on the technique by demonstrating how plants cultivated in water absorb nutrients more effectively than those produced in conventional farming, producing harvests with larger yields and superior quality.

Nowadays, hydroponic farming is regarded as one of the greatest approaches to plant growth in terms of quality, productivity, and environmental effect.

What Is Gardening in Hydroponics?

A sustainable way to grow plants without soil or sunlight is through hydroponic gardening. Essential minerals are supplied to the plants by nutrients dissolved in water, and hydroponic farms and gardens may be located indoors thanks to LED lighting customized to meet the energy requirements of the plants. This technique is sometimes referred to as indoor vertical farming, climate-proof farming, or controlled environment agriculture (CEA).

Hydroponically, any plant can be grown, although the most common uses are for leafy greens, herbs, and greenhouse commodities like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Compared to earth farming, hydroponic gardening requires less water and requires less space.

Thanks to advancements in hydroponic technology, you can now create and manage a year-round crop-producing hydroponic garden at home.

How Does Gardening with Hydroponics Operate?

The complex techniques of modern hydroponics allow plants to be grown in controlled conditions with light, air, and nutrients. Three essential components make up hydroponic systems:

nutritional remedy. The water reservoir that supplies the plants with food has a nutritional solution dissolved in it. Major nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur are combined with trace elements like copper, iron, and zinc in small amounts in this solution.

Air (oxygen). To create oxygen bubbles and maintain enough aeration in the water reservoirs, the majority of hydroponic systems rely on an air pump and air stone, which are often seen in fish tanks.

Possible monitoring of hydrogen (pH). In addition, pH levels, which control how acidic the water is, are regularly checked and kept between 5.8 and 6.2 for best outcomes. Baking soda raises pH whereas citric acid decreases it.

illumination. Hydroponic gardening in the summer or outdoors might benefit from sunshine. However, artificial lighting—typically fluorescent or LED bulbs—is needed for indoor systems and winter gardening. Depending on what you’re growing, these bulbs can emit different light spectra.

Hydroponic System Types

Hydroponic agriculture may be done in three primary ways, each with a few minor differences and benefits based on the crop’s kind and size.

the method of ebb and flow. With this method, plants are partially immersed or inundated in nutrient-rich water in a tray or tank. Water is actively replenished and reused once the plants have absorbed the nutrients. Known by another name, “deep water culture,” this is the most basic and often used kind of hydroponic system seen in home gardens and small-scale businesses.

the method of nutrition film. With this method, plants are positioned at an angle on a tray over a reservoir of nutrient-rich, aerated water. As water circulates through the tray and water reservoir, a water pump continuously pumps a constant stream over the plants, giving them oxygen, water, and nutrients. The most widely utilized hydroponic method in industry is the nutrient film technology.

The system of wicks. This method, which is also popular in indoor and domestic gardens, is providing plants with nutrients passively via a wick or thread that connects the roots to a nutrient-rich water reservoir. In order to assist anchor their roots, plants cultivated in this hydroponic system are usually set in rock, sand, or clay.

Benefits of Hydroponic Gardening

A hydroponic garden offers a lot of advantages.

These gardens may be supported indoors, need less room, and are less expensive to construct and maintain. Because of these advantages, hydroponic farming may provide fresh food even in regions with harsh weather or inadequate soil.

It is also possible to measure the precise amounts of light, water, and nutrients that plants receive in a controlled setting. With this optimization, the best harvests are produced.

Furthermore, since hydroponics does not use soil, crops are not exposed to any of the microbes or pests that are often found in the ground. Therefore, there’s no need for pesticides or herbicides, which leads to higher-quality and higher yielding crops.

Lastly, hydroponic gardening and farming have enormous environmental advantages. Every year, the fact that hydroponic systems need up to 90% less water than traditional agriculture does becomes more and more important for the long-term sustainability of agriculture.