Things You Should Know Before Climbing Mount Toubkal | Morocco’s Atlas Mountains Hiking Tours

Overview of Mount Toubkal

What information should you have before climbing Mount Toubkal? Most people would connect Morocco with meandering around the souks, riding camels into the desert, and drinking a ton of mint tea—all against the background of the Atlas Mountains. Although the latter is accurate, Mount Toubkal is a peak that is less well-known to non-mountaineers despite having amazing vistas of rural Morocco from its majestic 4,167-meter (13,671-foot) summit.

Read More: Mount Toubkal Trek

How far up is Mount Toubkal?

Leaving your oxygen mask at home is perfectly appropriate, as Jebel Toubkal is not that high. It is located 13,671 feet (4167 meters) above sea level. On the other hand, high altitude can easily cause headaches if you are not acclimated. Traveling to the city located at the foot of the mountain requires a minimum of two days to reach the summit.

How much time does climbing Mount Toubkal take?

The majority of the walking is done on the first day of the two-day ascent of Mount Toubkal.

The hike takes around five hours on the first day. Over 11km on clearly marked routes with a little climb, you will have time to enjoy the landscape and acclimate at the camp at the end of the day.

Before dawn, “summit day” begins with a leisurely stroll up a steep slope so you may see the sunrise over the summits. Walking down a windswept scree slope takes around six hours to go from the camp to the peak and back. You will then go to the village of Aremd, where you will spend the night in a village home enjoying bed, warm baths, and home-cooked meals.

How challenging is Toubkal Mount?

As long as they are well-prepared, most persons in decent physical condition should be able to climb Toubkal, which is pronounced “tub Kal.” Technical climbing is not required. However, this is no simple ascent! It is true that accidents and even deaths occur.

Altitude sickness is one of Toubkal’s challenges. Altitude sickness is a risk since you are only getting around 60% of the oxygen that you would at sea level at the top. To acclimate, it is advised that you ascend the peak over the course of two days.

Are Crampons Required for Mount Toubkal?

Depending on when you choose to ascend North Africa’s tallest peak. It is possible, but not required, to use crampons if you choose to undertake it in the winter. In case you wish to climb this peak in the summer, crampons are not a need. If you are a winter climber visiting Morocco just with hand baggage, renting crampons in Imlil is a pretty simple process. Snow protection and two pairs of crampons for 400 dirhams over three days.

When ought I to ascend Jebel Toubkal?

The Toubkal Mountain is open all year round. sanctuary as well. Thus, you are free to tackle the peak anytime you choose, even in the dead of winter. If you are a professional mountain climber, you should need crampons at the very least; thus, go between January and February. Summertime climbing Toubkal is a low-tech, high-altitude trip that doesn’t require ropes or other climbing equipment.

Is lodging available on Mount Toubkal?

On the ascent to Toubkal, there are two refuges. Les Mouflons and Cabine Alpine Francais (CAF) are the names of them. Although reservations are accepted, there is almost always room at the CAF Refuge when you arrive.

Every night, CAF charges 140 Moroccan Dirhams (MAD). That buys you a bunk bed without covers, just like in a hostel. Toilets lack soap and toilet paper, and showers are chilly. The personnel is amiable.

You may make reservations for your stay there without contacting them in advance during the low season (winter and spring). Simply turn up; there ought to be plenty of space.

My overnight stay at “Les Mouflons” was 280 MAD, which included breakfast and supper. Depending on the season, they have varied pricing.

To ensure that there will be a bed available, I would advise getting in touch with the refugees in advance if you want to visit Toubkal during the busiest times of the year (summer and fall). Here are the websites where you may get in touch with them in advance:

What Can One Expect While Hiking Mount Toubkal?

The majority of Toubkal hiking schedules are three days or less. They usually begin at Imlil village and make their way up into the mountains from there. With only a modest, steady climb in height, the early parts of the journey are manageable. The first day’s itinerary goes via one or more additional villages, and it’s usual to come across roadside sellers offering refreshments and food as well. There is not much of a difficulty on this easy-to-follow track.

You will arrive at the CAF Refuge, your mountainside campground, after four or five hours of climbing. Depending on how many other hikers are on Toubkal, the Refuge may get busy, but overall, it’s a nice spot to rest before summit day.

You will attempt to reach the top the next morning at around dawn. Trekking becomes more difficult on the second day, with steeper slopes and scree fields full of rocks. A bright, pointed tripod marks the summit, which is reached in three to four hours. The views from the top can be rather pleasant on a clear day, but sometimes strong winds can kick up dust and sand into the air, making it difficult to see neighboring mountains in the Atlas Range.

You’ll descend again after spending some time at the top. Although the trek might be quite challenging due to exhausted legs, the descent usually takes only two or three hours. Trekking poles may be quite helpful for maintaining your balance when navigating loose scree, which can occasionally provide unstable footing.

Some trekking parties will choose to continue their ascent to Imlil after reaching the Refuge, finishing the ascent in an only two days. To some extent, this breaks up the walk because others will stay overnight at the campground before moving on down the next day.


Rising from the lowlands, Mount Rinjani is located on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Climbing to the top, at 3726 meters (12,224 ft), will test your limitations. However, the reward for reaching the summit is the sight of far-off volcanoes covered in clouds and Segara Anak, a vivid turquoise lake located within the crater rim.

Read More: Mount Rinjani Trek

Indonesia is home to several volcanoes, but most of them are too active or have too uneven terrain for us to climb. Rinjani, nevertheless, is quite approachable. It’s a terrific one if you want to push yourself,” says Yangyang Li, marketing manager at an adventure travel business in Indonesia.

Because of its height, this volcano is very different from the others I’ve visited. The dry, sparse grasses of the savannah are where you start. After that, you ascend to the volcanic ash layer and eventually arrive at the volcanic rocks. Of course, the top of the peak offers a breathtaking view of Bali’s Agung, sometimes even visible during the dawn.

After that, you’ll go downhill and pass a lake that is encircled by woods, where you may spot many of monkeys. Local fisherman will be present; they ascend Rinjani specifically to go fishing. During the dry season, hot springs are also present; however, they are not always accessible since heavy rains cause the lake to swell. You must descend 2000 meters farther through a vast tropical jungle to reach the trail’s terminus. I enjoy climbing Rinjani since there is a wide variety of greenery to be seen along the route.

“All of the volcanoes are spiritual to the locals; they are the homes of their god.” Thus, all Indonesians will walk up the volcanoes, notably Rinjani, if they wish to perform rituals or pray, particularly after the major Ramadan celebration. It’s one of their sacred volcanoes, Rinjani, and they believe that everyone should ascend it at some point in their lives for prayer.


Part of the Sunda Archipelago, which also includes islands like Bali and Flores, Mount Rinjani is situated on the Indonesian island of Lombok. As shown in the above map, Mount Rinjani is situated in the island’s northern region and is a component of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

How difficult is it to climb Mount Rinjani?

Because ascending Mount Rinjani involves relatively small distances, trekkers sometimes misjudge the degree of hardship. However, Yangyang advises against doing so.

Since they often walk 30 kilometers in a day, sometimes my customers assume it would be simple since the first day’s walk is just 10 kilometers. I advise them to verify the elevation as they will be ascending more than a thousand meters on their first day. It wears me out a lot,” she explains.

Our tour takes three days and two nights, so it’s fairly demanding. Rinjani needs at least two days and one night, if you want to conquer the summit. Although the summit trip is just one kilometer long, it takes three hours to complete. Sand, ashes, and pebbles make up the landscape. Three steps up and two steps down is what you can do. It is similar to strolling in a desert. That explains why it requires so much time.

The route to Climb Mount Rinjani

The Senaru Route and the Sembalun Route are the two paths that ascend Mount Rinjani. Yangyang suggests starting with the former, which starts at the customary village of Sembalum, then going down the Senaru route from there. You’ll be able to visit the crater lake and hot springs without having to go back and forth.

You can, of course, go backward. After that, you would begin at Senaru Village, make your way through the forest, and ascend to the Senaru Crater Rim for your first night’s camp, according to Yangyang. Although the first day’s climb is simpler, we suggest to start from Sembalun so that you may save your energy for the peak the following morning.

Many hikers on the Senaru Route simply trek up to the crater rim to view the lake and the fisherman, with no intention of reaching the top. Therefore, you start with Sembalum for the highest chance of reaching the peak.

A Beginner’s Guide to Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing

When I approached the 18,200-foot peak of Kala Patthar, which is close to Everest, as a graduate student in really decent health, I thought, Kilimanjaro is 1,000 feet higher than here. After then, I was unable to imagine finishing it. That’s why, over the decades, Kili has come to represent the ultimate bragging-rights climb for Type A personalities who may cycle twice a day at SoulCycle but don’t bother to collect carabiners. This has always surprised me. Nonetheless, it makes sense: Completing the trip doesn’t need weeks of planning or costly safety equipment of your own. Furthermore, prior knowledge of climbing methods like as belaying is not necessary. To put it really simplistically, all you have to do is hike up the 19,341-foot mountain.

Read More: Hiking groups

Even so, it seemed a bit much to me. Then, when a friend told me about a fundraising walk to support Lifewater International, I knew that my teenage son Max would love it and would be the perfect way to send him off to college. We had walked in Yosemite and El Salvador together, so even if we didn’t reach the top, I thought Kilimanjaro was an incredible experience that we would never forget.

We scheduled our vacation a full year in advance, and we got right into training. After three months, we were running ten or twelve miles on Saturdays and Sundays. We also worked out throughout the week while using high-altitude training masks. We believed we were at our best when we arrived in Arusha, Tanzania, in June of last year. We quickly learned that, at over 20,000 feet, nothing can adequately prepare you for the headaches and dyspnea brought on by altitude. Ultimately, our party of 16 hikers, ranging in age from 17 to 73, reached the top. Thank goodness, I won’t ever need to pursue that high again.

Things to Consider Before Traveling

Though going more slowly to better adjust to the altitude boosts your chances of summiting, certain Kili climbs may be completed in as little as five days. Our seven-day Machame route was followed. Our sixth and worst morning began at 12:30 a.m. with a six-hour ascent to 18,885-foot Stella Point. After that, it was a very simple one-hour hike to the top, where we spent about an hour shooting photos before making our way down to our camp, which was at 12,530 feet.

Every climber needs a government-approved guide, and climbing in a group boosts morale greatly: Our Tanzanian porters cheered everyone up with jokes and songs in Swahili.

June is the coldest month of the year, with horrible wind chill and daily rain or snowfall. However, it is also the clearest month with the greatest vistas.

In addition to tents and emergency supplies like stretchers, extra oxygen, and hyperbaric chambers, Climb Kili offers cooks, porters, and guides. (Hippo Creek Safaris and Custom Safaris are other booking options.)

After the climb, reward yourself. We enjoyed two wonderful days of safari, one at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the other at Tarangire National Park. In West Arsi, Ethiopia, we also went to the Lifewater International projects.