Real Estate
How To Buy An Apartment In Spain

The first step in purchasing an apartment in Spain is to complete your research before making a decision. Therefore, follow the instructions we provide. You won’t be able to purchase a flat in Spain under ideal circumstances unless you have thoroughly understood how to do it.

Read More: buy apartment spain

Foreigners searching for a vacation spot or a place to make real estate investments are increasingly choosing Spain as their destination. Numerous individuals relocate inside their own nation, either for professional or academic purposes or just out of personal choice.

Equinox Urban Housing is committed to making the process easier for you because of this. We go above and beyond to make sure you will be completely at rest when you entrust your real estate affairs to us since we think real estate is more than simply buying and selling houses. Equinox offers secure apartment rentals or purchases throughout Spain.

Here is a helpful guide on purchasing Spanish real estate that will help you get started and understand the process of buying secure real estate in Spain. It contains details about the purchasing procedure, the paperwork required, and potential problems.

Who Acquires Real Estate in Spain?

Purchasing a home in Spain is not subject to any limitations. In Spain, anybody may purchase real estate, including homes, apartments, and land. A Golden Visa can also be applied for by anybody who purchases a home valued at more than €500,000, since the Spanish government promotes foreign investment.

Requirements and Required Documents

It takes certain paperwork to purchase real estate in Spain, just like it does anywhere else in the globe. Fortunately, foreigners purchasing real estate in Spain does not differ much from locals in this regard. The NIE (Foreigners Identification Number), a special number required for all transactions in Spain, is the only additional item you will require. The NIE is available from a Spanish police agency or the Spanish consulate in your place of residence.

It is essential to establish a bank account in Spain since you will need to pay taxes, utilities, and other communal costs associated with your home.

Similarly, it is beneficial to designate a tax agent to assist with tax returns after you own property in Spain.

The Procedure and Terms for Purchasing Real Estate in Spain: Dealing with Sellers

Purchasing a property in Spain will probably involve the following steps, however they may vary based on the kind of property and the financing arrangement:

Step 1: Establish a Purchase and Related Cost Budget

Finding the average selling price of properties in the area you wish to buy a property in Spain is a necessary first step. Using one of Spain’s real estate selling websites is the simplest approach to verify prices. Additional purchasing expenses to include in your budget are:

– A 19% Vat for new homes and a 5–10% property transfer tax, depending on the age of the buyer, for properties that are already owned.

– Depending on the transaction amount, notary and public property registry costs range from 1.5% to 2.5%.

Step2: Obtain an NIE

Your tax identity number (NIF), which is necessary for all legal and financial transactions in the nation, should be obtained by scheduling an appointment with the Spanish Tax Office. When applying for the NIE/NIF, you will need to provide your passport, a properly completed EX-15 application form, and a valid Spanish visa if you are not a resident of the EU.

Step 3: Create a Bank Account in Spain

Opening a bank account is a must to making any purchases in Spain. Throughout the purchasing process, this account will be required for every transaction. You need your passport and NIE in order to create a bank account in Spain. Please be aware that any cash that you bring into the country that is worth more than €10,000 must be declared at customs.

Step 4: Look for Spanish Properties

In Spain, the majority of private property owners utilize internet marketplaces in addition to real estate brokers to sell their homes. As a result, using these services to look through the various flats for sale is simple. The price, size, and location criteria found on most websites assist purchasers in focusing their search on the houses they want in the places of their choice.

If you’re not sure how reliable internet searches may be, a real estate company like Equinox can assist you in finding the perfect home without requiring you to visit to Spain.

Step 5: Select the Ideal Property

Properties-wise, the Spanish real estate market offers an abundance of options. There are many different kinds of homes available, ranging from brand-new construction to homes with some historical significance. Furthermore, in Spain, everything, including the ground on which the home is situated, instantly becomes yours upon completion of the acquisition procedure, as the concepts of freehold and leasehold are not applicable.

Step 6: Arrange Visits to Property

Even though prospective buyers may virtually inspect houses thanks to current technology, it is always preferable to see the property before making a purchase. You can get assistance with viewings and trips to the neighborhoods you are interested in from a local real estate agent.

Step 7: Checks for Due Diligence on Properties

Your real estate agent should make sure that every detail regarding the property is accurate once you have found your dream home. Making sure the structure was constructed lawfully is part of this. It’s crucial to ascertain whether there are any limitations on changes, as you could choose to add on to or renovate your house after purchasing.

Step 8: Secure Funding

You cannot rely on banks or mortgage lenders that are not registered with the EU if you intend to use a mortgage to purchase an apartment in Spain. In Spain, residents can borrow up to 80% of the property’s worth, whereas non-residents can only borrow between 60 and 70% of its value. In Spain, a mortgage can last up to 30 years and have an annual interest rate of 2.5% or higher.

Selecting a Mortgage Lender in Step 9

In Spain, there are several mortgage lenders, each with their own conditions and interest rates. Speak with a local mortgage expert for professional assistance to guarantee value for money.

Step 10: Present a Proposal

Making an offer on the property via the seller’s real estate agent is the next step after obtaining the necessary financing. The offer is up to the seller to accept or reject.

Step 11: Execute the Initial Agreement

If your offer is accepted by the seller, you should go ahead and make the property reservation. Usually, we discuss a deposit of €3,000. Subsequently, both parties consent to signing the draft contract (Arras). In Spain, the payment often equates to 10% of the property’s overall worth. It’s crucial to understand that if you decide to change your mind, you will forfeit the deposit; but, if the seller cancels the buy and sale agreement, you will receive a double refund.

Step 12: Execute the Sales Agreement.

The final agreement should be signed by both parties in front of a notary public. All required papers will be certified by the notary public and copies will be provided. At that point, the outstanding debt and all taxes owed must be paid. The seller covers real estate costs, which are included into the total sales price. Within two to three months, you will receive the original copy of the sales deed.

Spain Golden Visa: What Is It?

Spain joined the EU in 1985 and became a member of the Schengen Area in 1995. The nation is a desirable place to relocate because of its growing economy and excellent standards of life. Spain is becoming a very attractive investment destination for families and corporations.

Read More: Golden Visa Spain

The Spain Golden Visa Program is an excellent choice, particularly for non-EU citizens who wish to pursue their professional or personal aspirations in Europe. It permits living, working, and studying in Spain. It could also result in citizenship in the end and permanent residency.

You can apply for Spanish permanent residency after five years of temporary stay. If you meet specific requirements, you can seek for citizenship through the naturalization procedure after ten years of permanent residency.

Qualifications for the Golden Visa for Spain

The Golden Visa Program for Spain offers a number of investment choices. You have the option of investing €1 million in Spanish company shares, €2 million in Spanish government bonds, or €500,000 in real estate.

In addition to meeting the financial requirements, you must be at least eighteen years old, have no criminal records, and have either private or public health insurance.

Specific requirements:

You are not under eighteen.

You don’t live in Spain illegally.

You haven’t had any criminal activity in the last five years.

You are not listed among those who should be avoided.

Throughout your visit, private healthcare is covered.

You can demonstrate that you have enough money to survive in Spain without working.

You have not been denied residency in Spain or in some other nations.

A 2005 rule states that none of the ailments are present in you.

Spain’s Investment Opportunities Golden Visa

Investing in Real Estate

You will need to make a sizable investment in Spanish real estate if you choose this path. The initiative has a fixed sum of €500,000. A home property, a business property, or a combination of the two are your options. It’s possible to rent out the concerned property. Any amount beyond the minimal investment may be mortgaged out. Different purchasers may also pool their investments into a single property.

Spain’s Business Development

More specifically, this path to residence in Spain through investment seeks to support the Spanish economy. If you select this course of action, 1) you have to create jobs The investment must: 2) affect the nation’s socioeconomic situation; and 3) advance scientific and technology advancements. This option requires a minimum investment of €1 million.

Transfer of Capital

To take advantage of the Golden Visa program for Spain, you can also choose to invest a sizeable sum in Spanish Treasury Bonds. The financial stability of these bonds makes this choice quite well-liked by the candidates. The government backs Treasure Bonds. It is an investment option that is quite safe and offers competitive returns. This option requires a minimum investment of €1 million. If not, you can put at least €1 million into bank accounts with Spanish financial institutions or shares in Spanish businesses.

How to Apply for a Golden Visa to Spain

The Spanish Golden Visa application process is not too complicated. Here is a brief summary of the necessary actions.

Step 1: Select your preferred investment option first. The investment possibilities are listed above in the section titled “Spanish Golden Visa Investment Options.” Our group of Golden Visa specialists can also assist you in evaluating your investment alternatives.

Step 2: After deciding, you get ready and send in your Schengen Visa application.

Step 3: At this point, you travel to Spain in order to give the authorities the biometric information they need. The completion of this step of the procedure typically takes two months.

stage 4: Waiting for the outcome of the authority evaluations is the last stage in the application procedure. Typically, the approval or rejection procedure takes 20 days.

Step 5: Obtain your Spain Golden Visa and begin taking advantage of its advantages.

Documents Needed in Spain for a Golden Visa

A resident visa application requires the following papers in addition to the application form in order to be processed:

1. A current passport good for a minimum of a year

2. A statement attesting to the availability of enough money to pay living expenses throughout the period

3. Verification of your health insurance coverage document

4. A document from the appropriate authorities attesting to your children’s attendance at school (if applicable)

These documents all need to be legalized and translated into Spanish.

Obtaining the NIE Number and Opening a Bank Account

The Foreigner’s Identification Number is also known as NIE, or Número de Identificación de Extranjero. A tax identification number is the Spanish NIE number. It is employed in a variety of real estate and tax-related industries in Spain. When making formal purchases, paying taxes, and engaging in other lawful or official business, it is utilized. Every financial transaction involving the Spanish tax agency uses it. For every foreigner who has financial, professional, or social affairs in Spain, they must get an NIE number. Although it is not necessary to have permanent residency, it is nonetheless preferable to obtain an NIE number as soon as feasible.

submitting the Golden Visa application to Spain

Generally speaking, the authorities have 20 days from the date of submission to complete the application. The application is automatically approved if the authorities do not reject it within that time frame.

Getting a Golden Visa in Spain might take up to ten months in some cases.

Investment-Based Citizenship of Spain

Spain The Golden Visa scheme grants investors residence in Spain in exchange for a financial contribution. There isn’t a straight path to citizenship. On the other hand, after ten years, you can be qualified for citizenship if you obtain your Golden Visa and choose to reside in Spain.

To become a citizen of the nation, you must, however, fulfill a number of requirements, including giving up your previous citizenship. For this reason, it will be beneficial to consult experts and attorneys before committing.