Leaked GTA 6 trailer and teaser details may disclose Rockstar’s next move 2023

Rockstar Games is rather tight-lipped about the upcoming untitled Grand Theft Auto title. Fans have repeatedly requested a teaser or trailer for the impending title, but the developer has not yet shown any indications of producing one.

Tez2, a reliable insider, recently revealed some tantalizing details about the studio’s plans for the long-awaited reveal, much to the delight of the community. On Twitter, YouTuber SanInPlay allegedly made cryptic comments about the game’s setting, referencing a GTA 6 trailer.

Insiders disclose Rockstar’s intentions for the GTA 6 trailer and prelude.

Grand Theft Auto 6’s official release is one of the most anticipated spectacles in the video game industry.

On 10 January 2023, SanInPlay (Twitter/@DjSan_), a prominent gaming YouTuber, posted a tweet containing intriguing information about a possible GTA 6 trailer. Given that the original tweet was written in Portuguese, the English translation is as follows:

“Plane passes, lizard crossing the street, Lucia in prison exercising, dogs playing, little doggy rolling on ocean beach”

The YouTuber discussed several aspects of the trailer, which appeared to commence the clip. According to them, the revealed female protagonist Lucia will be observed exercising in a penitentiary. While her precise location was not specified, details such as a lizard traversing the street, a passing plane, and a nearby shoreline point to a tropical setting, which is consistent with the renowned Vice City.

Fans are somewhat compelled to believe the insider, as they correctly foretold Lucia’s inclusion in the highly anticipated game months before the infamous Grand Theft Auto 6 disclosures surfaced.

On March 10, 2023, Tez2 (Twitter/@TezFunz2), an additional well-known insider, disclosed that Rockstar Games is planning an official announcement of the forthcoming game. Although they did not provide a release date for GTA 6, they stated that a teaser for the game could be released during the Grand Theft Auto Online 10-year anniversary event on October 1, 2023.

The upcoming announcement could confirm the details provided by SanInPlay, given that Rockstar Games is known for making significant announcements around this time of year. These allegations have not, however, been officially substantiated.

The above information should be taken with a grain of salt, and readers are encouraged to remain tuned to Rockstar’s official Newswires for updates.